Armor Solutions We Provide in Armored Cars
Our armor solutions are capable for giving protection and performance in the armored vehicles used all over the world. This includes supply of processed ballistic steel, BR glasses, AV Suspension kits, Run Flat Systems and Heavy-Duty Hinges. Our in-house capabilities are very extensive in a way that no other supplier can compete with especially when it comes to processing and supply of armored vehicles items which many do not possess.
The armored cars (dubai) for which we supply all above items mentioned come with high quality and maximum performance. To ensure that these armored vehicles perform with such type of capabilities, the armor solutions that we provide are always tested and certified with accredited laboratories around the world.
Our products are always developed with different kinds of technologies for achieving the best performance in armored cars (dubai). Each product which is developed for military standards is always regularly checked for quality and consistency with live testing carried out by military personnel.
Our Product Accreditation
The products that are used in armored cars (Dubai) are certified from the following bodies –
Each of these certifications for certain products is obtained before supplying to any clients. Once the certifications are obtained, these products are then supplied with certifications for each one of them. Every armored car (dubai) that are supplied worldwide by armoring companies in UAE come with specifications and testing reports carried out for our products. The armoring companies also have different types of terrains in their manufacturing facility developed for carrying out durability and comfort tests in the vehicles. These tests are witnessed by us in the client facility for our products before their use.
Flexibility With Our Company
Being a market leader in the armoring industry, we understand and develop all sorts of required products which client finds difficult to source from. With us, all kinds of solutions needed in armored vehicles are available right from locks till heavy duty products. All these products can be availed from us as a combo package with special pricing upon discussion which client benefits from since their delivery times are further reduced in comparison to other suppliers.
When it comes to customization of any product, many suppliers regret to meet such demands of clients since it consumes time, requires lot of efforts in developing that product. Other major aspect considered by them is whether these customized products can be regularly sold in the market or not. This is because there is very less demand for such customization with higher costs needed for development. In our case, we take up any customization needed in a product based on client recommendations. Such type of customization is seen in steel kits, AV suspension kits, run flats, heavy duty door hinges and BR Glasses.
When dealing with foreign companies, it is vital to ensure that there is trust between both parties, in this case, supplier and customer. Many suppliers do not oblige their payment terms against committed delivery times, but with CEMAR International, we are always committed to achieve customer satisfaction in all our services that we provide to our clients worldwide.
Our customers have the privilege of holding and booking stocks required as and when they need to schedule shipment without having storage charges levied onto them. Many other companies charge interest and storage charges based on their bank payments and land department fees. We have been always striving to ensure good client relationship and wish to provide extensive support on all aspects.
Our sales and support team are always available to support clients even during times of vacation or national holidays. The logistic team we have are committed to ensure swift deliveries for every day of the year with all commercial documents made on time for submission and approval of Chamber of Commerce that enhances logistics companies to process the shipments by air or sea faster.